Friday, December 29, 2017

Goodbye 2017 and Hello 2018!

A very happy and healthy New Year from all of us at ESS!

We will be closed Monday, 1/1 in observance of the holiday and will re-open Tuesday, 1/2.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Is your scope clean enough to kiss at midnight?!

While you probably won't be kissing it, it is extremely important to keep your endoscope clean and sanitized.

Give us a call at 845-277-1700 to learn more about the cleaning products we offer!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Habari Gani?

A very joyous first night of Kwanzaa from our family at ESS to yours!

Friday, December 22, 2017

Merry Christmas!

A very Merry Christmas from our family here at ESS to yours!

We will be closed Monday, 12/25 for the holiday, and will re-open Tuesday, 12/26.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Bumbles bounce!

Bumbles may bounce, but your scope shouldn't!

Has your scope taken a tumble?

Our service department repairs virtually all makes and models of endoscopes.

Give us a call at 845-277-1700 for more information!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Did you ask Santa for a new endoscopy system?

Don't wait for Santa to bring you a new system!

We have new AND refurbished equipment.

Give our sales elves a call at 845-277-1700 for more information!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Service Department Elves!

Does your scope look like it belongs on
 the Island of Misfit Toys?

Let our service department elves help! 🎅

We repair virtually all makes and models of endoscopes.

Call us at 845-277-1700 for more information!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

A very happy and healthy Thanksgiving from our family here at ESS to yours!

We will be closed Thursday, 11/23 & Friday, 11/24 for the holiday and will resume normal business hours Monday, 11/27.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

AAEP 2017!

Are you attending AAEP 2017?
Check out our Selfie Wall at Booth 7025!

Post your selfie on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and tag us @ESSIncNY to receive a coupon code for 10% off at our online store!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Throwback Thursday

Check out this TBT from the AAEP Conference last year!

Are you going to be at AAEP 2017?
Stop by Booth 7025 for all your endoscopy needs!

Monday, November 6, 2017

New York Vet Conference!

Will you be attending the NY Vet Conference?

Don't forget to stop by Booth 180 for all of your endoscopy needs!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Throwback Thursday!

Check out this TBT from the 
AAEP Conference in 2010 & 2014!

Are you going to be at AAEP 2017?
Make sure to stop by 
Booth 7025 
for all of your endoscopy needs!

Friday, October 27, 2017

Check it out!

Equine Sports Medicine & Surgery in 
Weatherford TX now has HD Endoscopy!
Jimmy stopped by earlier this week to help them set it up.

What to learn more about our HD Endoscopy?
Give us a call at 845-277-1700!

Pictures were shared with permission from

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Check out our Vet Olympus 180 System!

Are you looking into getting new or used equipment for next year?
Start your tax planning and get in your capital expenditures before the end of the year with our veterinary endoscopy products!

Give us a call at 845-277-1700 for more information.
And don't forget to ask about our financing options!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Scope looking a little prehistoric?

Is your scope looking a little prehistoric?
We can help it stand the test of time!
Give us a call at 845-277-1700 for more information on servicing or upgrading!

Friday, October 20, 2017

Check it out!

Are you looking into getting new or used endoscopy equipment for next year? 🐶🐱😀

Give us a call at 845-277-1700 for more information!
(And don't forget to ask about our financing!)

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

BluePearl In-House Service & Training

Last week, sales manager Rich, visited 
for in-house servicing and training.

Want to learn more about our training or services?
Give us a call at (845) 277-1700!

Thursday, October 5, 2017


We will be closed Monday, 10/9/17, 
in observance of Columbus Day.

We will resume normal business hours
 Tuesday, 10/10/17.

Monday, October 2, 2017

CARES- Center For Animal Referral & Emergency Services

This past week, sales manager Rich visited with the Center for Animal Referral & Emergency Services in Langhorne, PA for installation and training on their new system.

Interested in a new system or training for your practice?
Give us a call at (845) 277-1700 for more information!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Mays Landing Veterinary Hospital

Last week, our sales manager Rich, visited
 for some training on their scope system.

Want to learn more about our systems
 or in house training?
Give us a call at (845) 277-1700!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Monday, September 18, 2017

San Francisco SPCA Olympus Tower

Last week Jim Mosley set up an Olympus video endoscope tower at the San Francisco SPCA. They purchased three scopes: a standard GIF-XP160 for feline work, a standard PCF-130L for the occasional giant dog, and at VET-160-130 as their main scope. 

The tower turned out great and 
they're very happy with it!

Want to learn more about our video
 endoscope towers and systems?
Give us a call at (845) 277-1700!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Olympus Video Endoscopy System at Best Friends Animal Society

Last week, Jim Mosley visited  Best Friends Animal Society in Kanab, Utah, to help them set up their new Olympus Video Endoscopy System.
They were thrilled with their new system!

Check out Dr. Patti and Dr. Tara scoping
 a cat with their new VET 160-150

Interested in your own Video Endoscopy System?
Give us a call at (845) 277-1700!

Friday, September 1, 2017

Closed for Labor Day!

We will be closed Monday, 9/4/17
in observance of Labor Day.

Have a happy and safe Labor Day!

We will resume normal business
 hours Tuesday, 9/5/17.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Product Highlight- Mini Light Source

Have you heard about our
Battery-Operated Mini Light Source?

This bright LED Light Source is portable, 
and available for Flexible or Rigid Endoscopes!



These mini light sources are compact
and battery-powered by two
 Li-Ion rechargeable batteries!

Kit Includes:
  • MLS1 or MLS1F Light Source
  • Four (4) RCR 123A Li-Ion Batteries
  • Charging station for batteries
  • AC/DC power pack
  • Car accessory adapter for battery charging station
  • User manual

Want to learn more about our
 Mini Light Source?

Check out our online store or
 give us a call at (845) 277-1700!

Friday, August 11, 2017

New England Equine

Our sales manager Rich visited New England Equine Practice in Patterson, NY today. 
While he was there, he was able to assist in a Laparoscopic Mesh Incisional Hernioplasty on an equine patient (and he managed to get a couple of good surgical selfies!)

Want to learn more about our laparoscopic
 instruments and procedures?

Give us a call at (845) 277-1700!

**Pictures were taken by Rich Scavo and shared with permission
 from New England Equine Practice**

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Product Highlight! NEW PRODUCT - Steeple Jumbo 4-Wire Basket

The Steeple Jumbo 4-Wire Basket!

Steeple logo/icon

This instrument is perfect for retrieving large objects that require a basket. 

Made of surgical stainless steel wires, The Steeple will wrap around rocks, golf balls, and other similar items with ease!

The Steeple opens to 45mm width x 135mm height with a 2.3mm X 240cm Nylon insertion catheter for smooth channel operation. This instrument also includes a thumb-actuated handle for deployment.

Want to learn more about The Steeple?

Head over to our online store or
 contact us for more information!

**The Steeple is for Veterinary use ONLY**
**Cold sterilization/soaking methods ONLY**

Monday, August 7, 2017

New England Equine Practice

Last week our sales manager, Rich, visited New England Equine Practice in Patterson, NY for an in house service call. 

While he was there, he was able to observe Dr. Gabe Cook perform a laparoscopic removal of an ovarian tumor in a horse.

Want to learn more about our Laparoscopic equipment? 

Check out our online store
 or give us a call at (845) 277-1700!

**Pictures were taken by Rich Scavo and posted with permission from New England Equine Practice**

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Product Highlight- ATT-Series Air Leakage Testers

Have you heard about our 
Air Leakage Testers?

Leak testing is the simplest way to help prevent serious and expensive damage to your flexible endoscopes. Regularly testing your scope protects your investment and saves on costly repairs.

While many manufacturers sell leakage testers, E.S.S. sells the ATT-Series Airtight Leakage Testers with connectors that fit virtually all makes and models of endoscopes!

The Airtight tester comes with a "bulb" to pump air into the endoscope and a dial that measures air pressure. The device uses air pressure to pressurize your scope to see if there is a leak.

The Airtight Leakage Testers are available for:



 Richard Wolf, Karl Storz, OPTIM, & Fujinon scopes.

Once you receive your Leakage Tester, the best thing to do is to get in the habit of testing your scope(s) frequently. They should be tested before and after each procedure to ensure the scope is maintaining it's water-tight seal.

Want to keep your Airtight Tester within easy reach?

Make sure to get our rack specifically designed for the ATT-Series testers. This rack is molded in a durable white plastic and can be mounted to a wall or your endoscope cart for quick testing of your scopes before or after a procedure.

Want to know more about our Airtight Leakage testers?

Visit our online store or contact us!

Monday, July 31, 2017

The Importance of Leak Testing Your Endoscope

Image result for Important Clip Art

Many of the flexible endoscopes we receive here at our ESS Service Department can be attributed to fluid invasion. "Fluid invasion" happens when some part of the endoscope allows external fluids (i.e. - body cavity fluids, water, cleaning solution, etc.) to get inside the parts of the endoscope that were never meant to come in contact with any form of moisture. Just about all medical endoscopes are designed to be water-tight so that the functioning parts of the endoscope (fiber bundles, CCD chip, articulating cables, etc.) stay dry while being used during a procedure or soaked in water and/or cleaning solutions.

Leak testing is the simplest way to help prevent serious (and expensive) damage to the flexible endoscope. 

Air Leak Testers

While many manufacturers sell leakage testers, ESS sells the ATT-Series Airtight Leakage Testers with connectors to fit virtually ALL makes and models of endoscopes! It is a simple device that uses air pressure to pressurize your endoscope to see if there is a leak somewhere in the endoscope. They come with a 'bulb' to pump air into the endoscope and a dial to measure the air pressure. Once pumped to the proper pressure (indicated on the dial) the needle on the dial should not show a loss of pressure in the scope. If the needle drops slowly or rapidly for a steady period of time, then you have a leak. If you endoscope comes in contact with some type of fluid (such as a sterilization or cleaning soak) it will be possible for the water or cleaning/sterilization fluid to seep into the internal workings of the endoscope and cause damage.

Damages from fluid invasion can be as follows:

  1. Fiber-optic Bundle Separation: otherwise known as "Red Crack," where the individual strands of the fiber-optic bundle separate and become unglued, giving the appearance of a reddish, spider-web pattern (the "Red Crack") across the view through your endoscope. The repair for this would be to send the instrument back to the manufacturer and have them install a new fiber-optic bundle; which could end up costing you thousands of dollars!
  2. Fogging: If fluids get in between the fiber-optic bundle or the CCD chip behind the distal tip's optic lens, you can get a blurred or fogged view through the endoscope, which prevents you from properly viewing your subject through the endoscope.
  3. Internal Corrosion: When fluids get inside the endoscope, the internal metal components can become corroded and/or rusted. This can effect the scope's articulation and the flexibility of the insertion tube. Most, if not all, flexible endoscope have a braided wire sleeve under the insertion tube's outer layer which helps to protect the internal components that run through the insertion tube. If it becomes corroded or rusted, it's flexibility will be hindered. The articulation dials move the flexible distal tip with a series of steel wires lubricated with silicone and is sealed inside the insertion tube. If they come in contact with fluids, the silicone lubrication can become contaminated and prevent the proper operation of the wires. There's also the possibility they can corrode and break away from the angulation controls - thus preventing you from properly operating the distal tip while doing a procedure.
  4. Electronics Failure: Fluid invasion with a video endoscope can be just as devastating. Instead of the fiber bundles, the CCD Chip that records the image from your distal tip lens can become damaged - think of it as dropping your smart phone into a bucket of water and then trying to use it! Probably won't work so well. The fine copper wires that run from the CCD up to the electronic circuit board in the umbilical video connector can become corroded and prevent the signal from getting through. Also, the internal circuit boards, both in the handle (for camera controls in the handle), and the umbilical connector (for connection to the video processor) can become damaged and cease to function.
These can be very disheartening revelations for you and your practice/clinic/hospital. Having to shell out hundreds to thousands of dollars in repair as well as the loss of the use of your endoscope, can cost you time and income; which is extremely frustrating when you realize it could have easily been prevented!

First thing you should do is BUY A LEAKAGE TESTER!
Check out our selection of ATT-Series Leakage Testers over at our online store to see which one is the perfect fit for you!
If you have any questions about the Leakage Testers or how to leak test your endoscope, contact us and we'll help out!

Once you get your Leakage Tester, the best thing to do is to get into the habit of testing your endoscope(s) frequently. They should be tested before and after each procedure to ensure the scope is maintaining its water-tight seal. The ATT-Series Leakage Tester is portable enough that you can keep it on our equipment cart and immediately attach it to the endoscope to test right after your procedure is completed. Sometimes, when threading a biopsy instrument through the biopsy channel, the instrument head can get caught in the tube and make a tear. The biopsy channel is a thing, polyurethane tube that runs down your insertion tube to the distal tip. If you forced your instrument through and think you might have punctured the biopsy channel, a post-procedure leakage test would reveal if that is indeed the case. 

If you did tear your insertion tube, or your endoscope fails the leakage test for any other reason, make sure to send it in to our Service Department as quickly as possible! Our service technicians will evaluate and take the best course of action to get your endoscope back to you in tip-top shape!

1-2-3 Repair Chart: 1) Send it, 2) Inspect it, 3) Ship it